Assistant Research Officer, Science Unit

Assistant Research Officer, Science Unit

Lingnan UniversityHong Kong
30 天前

Lingnan University is one of the eight publicly funded institutions in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) with the longest established tradition among the local institutions of higher education. Lingnan University is a global leader in providing quality education focusing on whole-person development and conducting high-impact research for a better world. Moving forward, Lingnan University aspires to become a leading research-intensive liberal arts institution in the digital era.

Lingnan University’s Faculties of Arts, Business, Social Sciences, School of Data Science, School of Graduate Studies, and School of Interdisciplinary Studies run undergraduate, taught postgraduate and research postgraduate programmes. Its liberal arts education model blends the arts, science, and elements around human and humanities. Lingnan University strives to enhance innovation and technology research to drive a positive impact in the society and the world. Building upon Lingnan University’s existing strength in combining the best of the Chinese and Western liberal arts traditions, the University will leverage its geographical strength in the Northern Metropolis and pioneer the liberal arts education model in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and beyond. Further information about Lingnan University is available at .

Applications are now invited for the following post :

Assistant Research Officer, Science Unit

Post Ref. : 24 / 283 )

The Science Unit () would like to invite applications for the above-mentioned post.

The candidate will join the Applied Ecology and Conservation research team led by Dr. Roger Lee (). The candidate will lead a research project that focuses on the effects of urban heat on the diversity and composition of bee and wasp assemblages, as well as their interactions with urban plants in Hong Kong. Master's degree holders (MSc or MPhil) in relevant disciplines may also consider enrolling in a 3-year PhD program under this position.


  • Conduct field surveys in rural and urban green spaces
  • Identify and curate insect pollinator specimens
  • Develop microclimatic layers in rural and urban areas
  • Data processing / analyses
  • Perform other research- or education-related duties as assigned


  • A recognized degree holder in ecology / environmental sciences / life sciences / biology, or related disciplines
  • Relevant field experience
  • Passionate about ecological research and biodiversity conservation
  • Good organization and communication skills (writing and speaking)
  • Good level of physical fitness
  • Applicants with prior experience in studying insects and using remote sensing / GIS techniques are highly encouraged to apply for this position.

    Salary and Benefits

    Fringe benefits, where applicable, include annual leave, medical and dental benefits and mandatory provident fund.