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Full Time / Part-time Sonographer
- Gleneagles has launched the Voluntary Provident Fund Scheme in 2023 January - employer's contributions including MPF equal to 8% of employee's basic salary, with no cap! Join us now and let us be your long-term partner through your journey of career development!
- 2023 年 1 月推出自願公積金計劃,僱主供款為僱員基本薪金的 8% (已包括強積金僱主供款),不設上限!現在就加入我們,讓我們成為您職業發展之旅的長期夥伴!
Bachelor Degree in Diagnostic Radiography or equivalent5 years' relevant experience as a sonographer or radiographer in CT, MRI, Ultrasonography and Nuclear Medicine is preferredRegistered Part II or Part I (Cat D) RadiographerRegistered sonographer of ARDMS or equivalent8% (已包括強積金僱主供款),不設上限
26 以下子女可享有獨立全球保障計劃
5 天工作週 (特定部門除外)