Faculty Position

Faculty Position

The Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyKowloon, Hong Kong, HK
30 天前

Job Posting Details

The Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics () invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at all ranks (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor) in the area of Decision Analytics, broadly construed as Operations Research, Data Sciences, Machine Learning, Statistics, and Management Science.

We seek applicants with a solid methodological foundation and strong potential for effective teaching and high-impact research in domain-specific areas in the knowledge economy, including but not limited to Demand and Supply Analytics, Fintech, Financial Engineering, Risk Management, and Health Care. We aim to become a world-class interdisciplinary research and educational center in the knowledge economy by providing faculty members with an incredible platform to build and develop their career. The Department offers a vibrant research environment and attracts talented and passionate post-graduate students.

Applicants must have a PhD degree in industrial engineering, operations research, or a closely related discipline.

Salary is highly competitive. Fringe benefits include annual leave, medical and dental benefits. Housing benefits will also be provided where applicable. Appointment at Professor rank will be on substantive basis. Appointment at Associate Professor may be with or without substantiation. Initial appointment for Assistant Professor or Associate Professor (without substantiation) will normally be on a three-year contract, renewable subject to mutual agreement. A gratuity will be payable upon successful completion of the contract.

Application Procedure

Interested individuals can apply by sending a package comprising a full curriculum vitae; statement of research and teaching; transcript of graduate work (for Assistant Professor rank); and copies of two research papers to the Search and Appointments Committee at . Review of applications will start immediately and continue until the positions are filled.

Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes.)

HKUST is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of

inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.

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